Happy 7th Birthday QT&Co.

Happy 7th Birthday QT&Co.

Hey friends,

QT&Co. is celebrating its 7th birthday this week. What an exciting milestone! First and foremost, thank you for being here. Thank you for your continued love and support for this small shop.

Maybe you don't know this, but QT&Co. has had T H R E E different owners. The company was initially started and run by Kristin, and later sold to Mandi. In 2018, I had the opportunity to purchase QT&Co. and become the new owner. I jumped in with both feet, not knowing much....but my heart was there. I've poured blood, sweat and tears into this small shop.

When I took over QT&Co. I wish I would have spent more time trying to understand WHO the company was. Why it was started. Why it existed. The purpose and meaning behind all of it. Instead, I hit the ground running...looking for ways to produce more. To grow and to reach as many people as possible. I wish I knew how many tees I've printed over the last 4 years because I'm sure it would blow my mind. But in the process of it all, I found myself lost.

I have never been completely sure of what purpose QT&Co. exists to fulfill. It has grown harder and harder through the years. I've lost my passion and discovered it over and over again. I have made tees about all sorts of things. Giving you all a little bit of everything. But above all the confusion, I've always strived to offer positive + happy + bright apparel.

With that being said, as QT&Co. prepares to turn 7, we can finally see the future so clearly. We're headed in one simple direction and we want you to come along! QT&Co. will exist to create custom + curated feel good apparel. Words you can wear, happiness you can share. The world has been in a dark place for the last couple years. We believe in the importance of mental health. We see kindness as an answer. We think that kindness can change the world. That it can connect families from all different walks of life. Simply put, we want to connect others through the power of kindness. 

Our apparel will be simple, yet the messages will be strong. Not only will we offer products driven by love and kindness, we want to be an inspiring community for Y O U! We want to be the place you come to see the good that exists in this world. The place you can find ways to teach your children to love and accept others. A place that fills your heart with happiness and hope for the future.

By wearing our apparel, it's our hope that you're reminding yourself of the importance of kindness and in turn, spreading that message with others. With each order placed, you will also receive a handmade button pin. These button pins are created and drawn by my beautiful kiddos. We ask that you find someone special to pass this pin along to. It can be your own friends + family or even a stranger at the store. We're here to connect others through love and kindness and we're thrilled to have you along for the ride!



McKenzie + family

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